I finally arrived only to start again

04 March 2025

It goes against my better judgement and intuition not to include an image in this post.

I have finally arrived in my home that I will share with The Healing Path association for the foreseeable future. To say it’s been eventful would be an understatement.

Of course nothing went to plan.

I had hired a company to move me, a delux move. I had move so many times in my life this time was gonna be first class. I can tell you it wasn’t even coach. 3 guys showed up went for coffee, two came back. During their day of smoking spliffs and drinking beer, they took 12 hours with my help to empty my 1 bedroom apartment then tried to extort money from me.

I had a friend help me finish it off in the evening and another friend do the service with the agency to close out the let. I am very grateful for these friends.

I arrived in The Healing Path at 4 am. At 8 am some volunteers from Emmaus showed up to empty the furniture from the 4 bedroom house. There was a wardrobe and chest of drawers in every room and dining table and a few other bits and pieces. The 3 of them took it all apart and filled their truck in 2 hours. My guys meanwhile arrived and starting arguing and screaming at each other. They stank of alcohol. I paid each truck a 100 euro tip and the Emmaus guys were so grateful, hugging me slapping me on the back and they helped the other guys get their job done.

Day 1 was done and I went to bed with no heat. We had heat the next day because the electrician got it together. The heating broke on Saturday and I rang the number. The expert came out on a Saturday, repaired the system and charged me 128 euros. It’s still working. It didn’t work when I turned it on tonight at first, so I might leave it on for a few days. It’s bloody cold without heat.

By Sunday I had put my back out moving fridges dishwashers and washing machines all by myself. The electricity still wasn’t finished. My neighbours on the piece of land beside me showed up and put me to shame with their work. All the posts for the common border fencing are in the ground and I didn’t help. Neither would they allow me to pay for the posts or material.

That night I went to bed with a fever. It was gone the next morning.

I have planted, apple with my daughter a few weeks back, and this week, Pear, apricot and walnut. Cherry and plum are sitting out in the garden waiting to be planted tomorrow. I have sowed a bunch of seeds under and little plastic box. I have been very undisciplined and planted a bit of everything and just will wait to see what grows.

Today I finally got the kitchen organised and yet as I was doing it alone managed to break the legs of the kitchen cabinets trying to move them myself. As the fridge was falling into my face, my electrician showed up unexpectedly and helped me organise it. I am very grateful for her presence.

We have internet since yesterday. Hence the first blog from The Healing Path today.

Tomorrow the stove arrives. I can imagine what can go wrong easily. I have however found that everything works out, despite the frustration, the anxiety, or the fear. It all works out.

I have plumbed in the dishwasher and washing machine. I will build the kitchen table tomorrow and then it’s wall paper stripping for the foreseeable future.

I have to build a compost pit. I would love to do no dig , but don’t see how to do it without compost. There have been plenty of moles, so I might use the earth they dug up and mix it up with some shop bought earth to start off. I need to build a bed or I will miss the planting. I am late with the spuds, but I might do a lazy bed. Basically you put the potato on the earth and flip the sod over it. I don’t know why it’s called lazy. But it’s an experiment so we will see.

It’s time for me to eat my steamed veggies. I have resisted the urge to buy any meat. I have cheese and eggs and that will be the limit of our animal consumption here.

If you have read this far. Thank you. There is so much more to say and do. But to those who believe in me and support me, thank you and million times over. I am on the Healing Path. Come join me.